This function takes the media_id of a post and adds/removes that post from the Saved folder within Instagram.

ig_save(media_id, verbose = FALSE)

ig_unsave(media_id, verbose = FALSE)



numeric; the unique id to identify a post which can be found in the id, not the pk field, of posts returned via many of the functions retrieving feeds.


logical; do you want informative messages?


last_post_media_id <- ig_my_timeline(paginate = FALSE)$id[1]
#> The rank_token is NULL in Rinstapkg's internal .state environment. This can occur if the user is authorized using OAuth 2.0, which doesn't require a rank_token, or the user is not yet performed any authorization routine. #> When/if needed, 'Rinstapkg' will initiate authentication and authorization. #> Or run ig_auth() to trigger this explicitly.
#> Error: Status: fail #> Message: login_required
save_result <- ig_save(last_post_media_id)
#> Error in ig_save(last_post_media_id): object 'last_post_media_id' not found
unsave_result <- ig_unsave(last_post_media_id)
#> Error in ig_unsave(last_post_media_id): object 'last_post_media_id' not found