This function returns the details of a single post. It contains the same information about a post that is retrieved by many of the feed functions.

ig_get_media_info(media_id, verbose = FALSE)



numeric; the unique id to identify a post which can be found in the id, not the pk field, of posts returned via many of the functions retrieving feeds.


logical; do you want informative messages?


bieber_user_id <- ig_get_user_id("justinbieber")
#> Error: Status: fail #> Message: login_required
bieber_feed <- ig_get_user_feed(bieber_user_id, paginate = FALSE)
#> Error in check_user_id(user_id): object 'bieber_user_id' not found
most_recent_post_info <- ig_get_media_info(media_id = bieber_feed$id[1])
#> Error in sprintf("media/%s/info/", media_id): object 'bieber_feed' not found